Sunday, 8 January 2012

Get off my road!

In my city, as I’m sure is in a lot of cities, people are constantly making an attempt at being more eco-friendly, which in my opinion is fantastic; we should all try and be a little more green. However, when you start getting in other peoples way while trying to better yourself and the environment, that’s when it becomes a problem; I’m talking, of course, about bicyclists. I myself own a bike and I enjoy bike riding, especially with my dog, but I enjoy it where I belong- on the sidewalk! There are rare occasions when I bike on the road…like if there is no sidewalk.
All summer long there is an abundance of helmet bearing, tight-shorted individuals pedaling their asses off just to get to and from work, to each their own, I’d rather bus if I had to. I’m all for exercising and like I said, I’m all for being green but when you think you can blend in with the flow of traffic, that’s when we have a problem. For anyone who drives to and from work you know that rush hour is extremely busy and frustrating with other vehicles, but toss a couple (or in the case of most streets in my city, almost a dozen) bikers in the way and your commute just got a little bit slower. There is absolutely no way a biker can keep up with cars, and even if they think they’re being out of the way by staying close to the curb, drivers still get freaked out and don’t want to pass you for fear of hitting you. So, instead they drive slowly behind you waiting to change lanes to go around you which in turn holds up more traffic and the more bikers there are the more they have to do this. There were a lot of traffic accidents involving bikes on the road last year, some even resulting in death…when will bikers learn to just stay on the sidewalk?
The absolute worst thing I think I’ve ever seen a biker do, is bike on the road with their kids, whether its with the little seat that attaches to the back or the little wagon/ kid-haul thing that rolls along behind…I’ve seen it all and its disgusting. If you’re stupid enough to put your life in danger, fine that’s your choice, but don’t drag your child’s life in with you.
I, for one, bike on the sidewalk; always have, always will. When I have children I will teach them to always ride on the sidewalk, never on the road unless they absolutely have to. I’ve seen bikers and pedestrians get hit, its not pretty…especially when you see the after math of a puddle of blood under someone with a sheet over their face and 2 life-less feet sticking out the bottom. I don’t want that to be me, my children or anyone I know.


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